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Career Panel

Deepan Shah, Head of Technology (Biotechnology), CPI
Deepan Shah has 30+ years Biomedical Sciences/Biotechnology sectors. PhD, molecular microbiology (Birmingham, 1993). 1993-2003 postdoctoral research on a variety of topics including plasmid replication, bacterial flagellar motility and chemotaxis, oral microbiology, and enzymes (Universities: Nottingham, Teikyo (Utsunomiya, Japan), Oxford and Newcastle). 2003-2018 Orla Protein Technologies Ltd, a spin out from Newcastle University focused on designer proteins to create self-assembled monolayers for a variety of applications including biosensor functionalisation, and surfaces for cell and tissue culture. Various technical and managerial roles within the company from senior scientist to CSO. Pivotal role in taking the company from spin out to trade sale. Since 2018 various roles in CPI. Currently leading a team of 35 technical staff in CPI’s Industrial Biotechnology Centre, delivering TRL3+ projects in biotech process development for products relevant to agritech, food, healthcare and sustainable materials. Strong track record of delivery in engineering biology and scale-up of biotech fermentation/downstream purification processes to help technologies towards commercialisation.
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